Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarships in UK, 2020-21 - Scholarship Positions 2020 2021 With the point of supporting high potential understudies to seek after doctoral investigations in the UK, the University of Cambridge is offering Dr Manmihan Singh subsidizing for Indian applicants. Dr Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, is an alumni and Honorary Fellow of St John's College. He is broadly recognized as the modeler of the financial changes that have impelled India onto the World Stage. To pay tribute to Dr Singh St John's College, the University of Cambridge propelled the Dr Manmohan Singh Scholarships in Delhi in 2007.AdvertisementsReview Sending Client Review0 (0 votes) degree from a rumored Indian college or organization with a First Class grant in the pertinent subject or field by October 2020. Mean to seek after a full-time Doctoral research certificate from the University of Cambridge, beginning by September/October 2020, which they have just distinguished.