Is the mom going to breastfeed or bottle-feed? I must tell you that breast milk is usually best for your baby. -Each mother’s breast milk is made especially for their own newborn. It contains all the Vit., Min. amp; iron that your baby needs( where as bottle milk has as little as 5-10% of all vit., min., amp; iron that are used by your baby.) Breast milk also continues to chg. as your baby grows to meet the changing needs of your infant, no formula is capable of such a chg. Breast milk contains protecting agents to help insure your baby’s health, these agents (WBC’s and immunoglobins) help fight DZ and INF. Advantages of Breastfeeding (Disadvantages to bottle feeding): 1)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;promotes bonding between mom and…show more content…This is just a few advantages of breastfeeding Disadvantages of Breastfeeding (Advantages of Bottle feeding): 1)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some mom’s feel tied down by the constant demands of a nursing newborn.