Female Social Roles In Victorian Literature
During the period between Victorian and modern age, female social roles have changed significantly; however, they still have remained some convention inherited from its previous generation. To examine women and society of their time, Charlotte Brontë in nineteenth century and Virginia Woolf in twentieth century could provide the reflection in a clear and realistic way. However, there are similarities and differences in female social roles in their ages. The aim of this study was to compare and contrast Brontë and Woolfs portrayal of women and their contemporaries in terms of professions, marriage, and awareness. It is concluded that even though the Victorians pioneered to give the emancipation of women, they were hardly abandon the domestic marriage in Brontës fiction. On the other hand, Woolf had claimed women rights should be developed by economic independence, but she did not deny matrimony. This may be interest feminists, socialists and literature readers, especially who want to know more about women modern times.
Female Social Roles In Victorian Literature
2020. 3. 5. 21:43