Step by step instructions to Transfer to Cornell We as of late composed a blog entry on moving into an Ivy League school and Cornell was an extremely clear exception. When taking a gander at the exchange acknowledgment rate graph from the post connected above, you may think I need to go to a superior school, Cornell is an Ivy, I will apply there! But all in all, an acknowledgment rate beneath 20% isn't high. It's just high when contrasted with the remainder of the Ivy League schools. What's more, it turns out there's a purpose behind that figure, clarified underneath: If you apply to Cornell and are dismissed, you may get what's known as an exchange alternative letter. It's up to Cornell's affirmations office who gets these letters and they're conveyed soon after you discover you didn't get in. Should you get one, you don't need to do anything exceptional at that point. Stick it in your back pocket and hover back a half year later should you so want to move.

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