Solitary Ranger and Tonto Struggles with Isolation and Assimilation Sherman Alexies The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven is an assortment of short stories that investigates the proceeding with Native American battles in the cutting edge period. The result of over 500 years of mistreatment and oppression, the universe of the Native American reservations is tormented by destitution, brokenness, and liquor abuse. Living in one of these reservations, Victor Joseph is a man who is conflicted between the cutting edge world and the universe of old convention. He battles with issues of character and the spot of Native American convictions and history in a white American-commanded antagonistic condition. While heading off to a 7-11 at 3 am on an especially hot night, Victor thinks back about the time he left the booking with a white sweetheart to begin another life in Seattle.

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