Abstract Generally, the study wanted to make a homemade conditioner from eggyolk, flour, malunggay oil extract, cucumber juice and calamansi juice and Shall be called “ MECCA Silk Conditioner. ” Specifically, it tries to find out if oregano leaves eggyolk, flour, malunggay oil extract, cucumber juice and calamansi juice be made into a conditioner. Among the treatments, which one are the best proportion for the homemade conditioner and if there is a difference between the newly produced MECCA Silk Conditioner and the commercial one in terms of smell, appearance and shining effect.The materials were gathered and prepared. Cucumber was peeled, cut and pounded to get its 20 ml. juice. Calamansi fruit was also cut and squeezed to extract the 20 ml. juice. Twenty ml. detergents were measured. Three grams of Malunggay Leaves was boiled in 50 ml. vegetable oil. The beaker was covered and removed only when boiling starts. It was boiled for 3 minutes. It was then cooled for 5 minutes and strained in clean containers. Thirty ml. water was poured in a 100 ml.

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