Reflaction - Essay Example he semester and from the number of essays I have written to meet the above objective, it is evident that my writing skills have gradually improved, and have partially met my objective of writing perfect mistake free essays, though there are still a few areas that need more efforts and improvement. One of the improvements that I have made this semester in effective writing is the ability to narrow down my thoughts to specific and narrow issue, which allows better coverage of the topic. In the water shortage essay that I wrote, I managed to narrow down the topic in addressing the problem of water shortage, specifically in Tucson, Arizona. Narrow topics are easier to cover and present ideas concretely rather than dealing with a broad topic that may not be addressed to a good degree of material coverage (Ferris and Hedgecock, 40). Another major improvement in the course of the semester is ability to formulate a narrow thesis to guide my essay in proper and systematic presentation of ideas.