The First Islamic State under Muhammad (622 - 632) - Research Paper ExampleThe first Islamic state has thus been established by Prophet Muhammad based on the Holy Quran and the revelation he got from Almighty God, Allah. This piece of research paper presents a brief note on first Islamic State and described its salient features in comparison to other states and legal systems prevailing in today’s modern world. First Islamic State When prophet Muhammad and his companions faced increased opposition and emigrated to Medina, a small group of early converts to Islam in Medina provided accommodation and welcomed the religious, social and cultural changes perfectly. This is how Islamic State came in to existence (Temperman, p. 19). Islamic state represents a typical government system in which the basic ruling and jurisprudence for all the legal and other matters are Holy Quran, Prophet’s Sunnah (His wordings and activities) and scholars opinions based on the above two.

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