The inquiry into the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust - Assignment Example Goals: According to the annual report of 2008, the basic goals of the trust were as follow. They wanted to develop and maintain the position as the first preference of a broad range of acute services. They wanted to achieve this by increasing the diagnostic direct access. In this way, the patients can make direct bookings for the diagnostic tests such as scans. Moreover, they wanted to decrease the waiting time of the patient in the hospital and to improve their experiences. By expanding the range and nature of services, they declare their ultimate goal was to increase their market share. They were trying to achieve this particular goal by developing the interventional cardiology services and implementing the marketing strategy. Further, they wanted to develop specific services into the Centres of Clinical Excellence. They were trying to expand the services of the hospital by developing the Dermatology Centre of Excellence, Orthopaedic and Rheumatology clinical expertise and scope of practice.

he inquiry into the Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Assignment


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