Write a Lesson Plan Guide How to Develop a Lesson Plan We have received several questions regarding how to write a good lesson plan. We went ahead and asked our experts, did some research, and have included some tips and guidelines below. To begin, ask yourself three basic questions: Where are your students going? How are they going to get there? How will you know when they've arrived? Then begin to think about each of the following categories which form the organization of the plan. While planning, use the questions below to guide you during each stage.Goals Goals determine purpose, aim, and rationale for what you and your students will engage in during class time. Use this section to express the intermediate lesson goals that draw upon previous plans and activities and set the stage by preparing students for future activities and further knowledge acquisition. The goals are typically written as broad educational or unit goals adhering to State or National curriculum standards. What are the broader objectives, aims, or goals of the unit plan/curriculum?

Walmart Business Analysis Contents (Jump to) Walmart’s Current Strategy Organizational structure, culture, and control systems SWOT Analysis for Walmart Porter’s Five Analysis of Walmart Key Strategic Issues at Walmart Personal SWOT Analysis Financial Analysis of Walmart Recommendations Walmart store Inc. is not only the retail giant, but also is the largest grocery chain in the world. Walmart store Inc. was founded in 1962. Samuel Walton and his brother J.L. Walton open their first Walmart Discount City in Rogers, Arkansas (Walmart History, 2010). For Walmart store Inc., their common mission is: Save people money so they can live better (Walmart corporate, 2010). Compared with their main competitors such as Target and K mart, Walmarts 2009 sales were almost 50% more. Because of its giant size and buying power, Walmart can buy its products at very low prices, exchanging high purchase volumes for low cost then passing the savings onto its customers (Wikinvest Walmart, 2010).

English 1010 5 October 2012 Dangerous Technology Many people have one. Some have more than one. Odds are pretty good that yours is within reaching distance right now. “What is it? ”, you may ask. The answer is simple: the almighty cell phone. Although cell phones allow easy and quick communication, they are starting to create problems in today’s society: they distract drivers, they interrupt social interaction, and society is unaware of any long term medical issues they could create. One of the most dangerous issues with cell phones is people using them while driving. A distracted driver is a dangerous driver.If someone is reading or sending a text, or even talking on the phone, they are not paying full attention to the road, making it hazardous for themselves and those around them. It has become enough of an issue that many states have passed laws that make using a cell phone while operating a motor vehicle illegal. It is a severe issue with inexperienced drivers, who need as few distractions as possible.

Cango - Essay Example With respect to the firm CanGo, it should be noted that the firm is aware of what industries it seeks to expand in; in addition to what industries they want to continue to remain a viable competitor. Therefore, if the firm is able to increase its sales numbers, the researchers within CanGo will find it necessary to conduct in depth analyses as a means of determining the best approach that should be made. With this accomplished, the research division, as well as the remainder of the firm, will have a means of understanding which markets are the most appealing, which require too high a level of investment, and which should be immediately engaged with. In this manner, Evolve Professional Business Consulting, has set out a baseline criteria through which CanGo should effectively research the options that are presented to them and make informed decisions based upon them. One of the most important steps that should be taken before the research itself is conducted is the question of who CanGo wishes to appeal to/sell to.

ango Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words


In United States history, there is a long list of premiere military Generals and General Douglas MacArthur was on top. Even as professors and historians scrutinize his failures, MacArthur has not only preserved his reputation, but also maintained one. General Arthur MacArthur, Douglas’ father, famously told him, “there are times when a truly remarkable solider must resort to unorthodox behavior, disobeying his superiors to gain the greater glory” (American Caesar). Douglas took his father’s advice to heart and many times entrenched his prominence on disobeying direct orders. However, by defying orders it made MacArthur a famous, but controversial figure. His defiance proceeded him during his enrollment at West Point, one of the best…show more content…Therefore, he gave the names of cadets who had already confessed or pleaded guilty and declined to identify the names ordered of him. This demonstrated the insubordination of his defiant nature which would later bring him up through the ranks and achieve fame.

Marx used the ‘theory of alienation” to expose what he claimed as a highly exploitative, unfair social relationship existing in a capitalist system which effectively divides society into two opposing groups. He argued that this unfair social relationship came into being because of the “concept of private property” which, according to him, refers to a situation where the means of production (such as factories and plants) are owned by private persons. This private ownership of the means of production gave birth to the two antagonistic social classes: “the property owners [or the capitalists] and the propertyless workers.” (Alienation, n.d.)             According to Marx, here lies the first alienation of the workers in a capitalist society. The capitalists own the means of production and the workers have only their labor to sell so that they could survive. Using the plants and factories at their disposal, the capitalists utilize the labor of the workers to enrich themselves by producing “surplus value” or profit.

arx’s Theory of Alienation Essay


Wake and Bake Essay In America the use and sell of recreational marijuana is illegal and taking seriously by authorities. Over half of the people in the USA smoke or have smoked marijuana. Marijuana is a plan that can be grown almost anywhere and can be smoke to experience relaxation. Marijuana should be legal to the people of America because this is a free country and if the vote is more than fifty percent that means the majority of people want it to be legal. The people of America should not hide the use of marijuana any longer. Using marijuana should not be frowned upon because it has never killed a single human being. If this drug has not killed anyone then why is it still illegal? Tobacco and alcohol have killed over 555,000 people a year according to the CDC. Tobacco and alcohol are somehow legal to a of age adult so why cant marijuana? People need to realize that marijuana is a soft drug as to wear its harmful effects fall under caffeine. You are at more risk if you have too much coffee compared to too much marijuana.

All handguns must be banned because they are the cause (s) of many deaths amongst the people of the world today. Gun violence result in fifty percent of today’s tragedies. Handguns causes too many deaths, the government need to make gun less accessible, and the law/law enforcement need to really enforce the laws they make. First, and foremost many handguns have claimed the lives of too many people. This is a very serious issue we must tackle globally not just in the United States. The same problem is killing our past, present, and future. Gun violence has claimed the lives of so many Americans that we are the leading country in crimes committed by guns. These guns are claiming the lives of people ranging from babies to adults to even the elderly. Handguns are just causing too many deaths. Second, if handguns or guns in general weren’t that accessible and it wasn’t that easy to get a hold of one most of this senseless violence would not occur. I believe that if the proper laws go in effect we would have fewer criminals.

mentative Essay: All Handguns MUST Be Banned  ::  Gun Control Essays


What is meant by the term media convergence with regard to technology, and how has it affected everyday life? For technology, media convergence is when different media come together to do a similar task. The poster child for this is the smart phone. Smart phones are used to talk, text, email, social network, school, business, web browsing, and take picture and video. There are things that I’m sure I missed, but the smart phone has become the epicenter of technological convergence. I spend a lot of my time on my phone posting and promoting for my business. I make jewelry, cat pads, and blankets so I make my items, take a picture, post it to my Etsy page, and promote my store with my phone. When I get an order, I get an email to my phone I contact the buyer for details, and take payments all with my phone. With going to school, I need to check up on the forums to read and respond per class requirements. It makes it easy to do my schoolwork when I’m not home at my laptop.

Trendsetters shops - Assignment Example The small and medium enterprises are the enterprises which play a very important role in the global economy and constitute 90% of the global economy. Because of the saturity in the developed countries the Small and medium sized enterprises are making more advancements in the developing nations which are mainly the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). The WTO has recognized the importance of these small scale industries and thus has promoted these industries. The small and medium enterprises are the enterprises which begin with their own innovations and inventions and survive competition in order to succeed globally. This report is a personal report and in this topic I will focus mainly on the development of our own small medium enterprise called the “Trendsetters” in which I and my brother are partners and it is a family business. I have been into this business as soon as I completed my higher secondary exams. I began my role in the firm as accountant.

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