Technology In The Workplace EssayIn my workplace, an acute care hospital with 968 beds and a workforce of approximately 5,000 employees, technology is a huge part of the operations.  As a matter of fact, technology has become necessary and fundamental not only in the usual day-to-day activities of the hospital like keeping patients’ medical records, doctors’ schedules, employees’ salaries and the like, but also as an added accommodation for patients who have special needs or requests.The operating systems used are Microsoft Windows (Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional) and the Macintosh Operating System to avoid a sense of monopoly and hence providing a choice for the users, depending on which system they are more familiar with or which one better serves their needs.      For example, Apple Macintosh is preferred over IBM computers by some physicians for research purposes and further education in the medical field.

History and the United States - Essay ExampleAmerican took most of the Spanish colonies including Cuba with the aim of establishing a favorable place to invest the capital. United States succeeded for the first time in Manila, Philippines and not in Cuba. U.S. used this as a claim that they were assisting Cuba gain its independence, as well as, acquire territory from Spain. The battle lasted a few months where Spain gave in to the conditions that were set by the United States of America. Filipinos were in dire need of independence during that period; they ended up in war with the United States that continued to the early 1900. The United States of America thought that it was their mandate to and right to rule over the people of Philippines. The reason for the notion by the United States was to pass civilization to Filipinos, but mainly for economic advancement. Their brought about a thought “white man’s burden”; it was aimed at assisting the citizens of Philippines attain the same living standards and civilization, which the Americans have been benefiting from.

Publix Super Market and the Effect of Hurricanes - Research Paper ExampleHurricanes result to enormous damages and devastation within the local communities. These natural disasters tend to deter and disrupt supply chains of major products due to the damages inflicted on infrastructure such as roads, rails, and communication channels. Consequently, businesses (especially those that operate a Just-in-Time manufacturing methodology) incur significant supply shortages that run for long durations, resulting to losses due to lost revenues. Other losses emanate from damage on goods and insurance claims that may run into hundreds of million of dollars. One such business that experienced huge losses in the 2004-2005 hurricanes in Miami, Florida is Publix Supermarket and its chain of stores. This paper seeks to examine the effects of external events to a business, drawing from the impacts of hurricanes on Publix supermarket, especially the disruption of its supply chain, damages to goods, and insurance claims (Publix AMC).

Language is the primary source of communication for humans and is used to convey thoughts, feelings, intentions, and desires to others (Bonvillain 2008:1). Many rules are taken into account when forming a language. According to Bolton, language is arbitrary and is unrepresentative of the objects they represent (Bolton 1996: 63). The study of Semantics allows us to identify the meaning of words and phrases in their literal sense, and helps us to make meaning out of arbitrary sounds and phrases. It has been contributed to by both linguists and philosophers. Linguists used lexical decomposition to understand the features that comprise words and the categories in which the words fit. Philosophers dealt more with the meanings of sentences and truth condition and reference (Parker and Riley 2010: 28).Semantics is still not a completely understood field, and as a result it is not easy to study (Parker and Riley 2010:26-27).Semantics is split into three different sections: sense, reference, and truth conditions.

 During the 1920's and early 1930's, Germany was unstable socially economically and politically. The government was very often in a state of confusion. The population was disappointed and scared, as the Great Wall Street stock market crash of 1923 pushed the economy to a collapse before the people’s eyes. These unfavorable events made a nation in a state of insecurity, while fed up, the people looked for a rescuer. This came in the form of fascism, an ideology in which the individual is controlled by a supreme state under the control of one extreme dictator. The leader to direct the people of Germany out of all the problems and misfortunes was Adolf Hitler, a ruthless fascist dominator. With him, the Nazy party set a dominant force to utilize their propaganda on this puzzled nation and to win the hearts of the people by manipulating their minds.Adolf Hitler was the undisputed leader of the Nazi Party. Much of Hitler's success during his reach to higher power in Germany was due to his powerful and dominating personality.

ART METAL SCULPTURE - Essay ExampleThe location of this sculpture is outside East Entrance Parking Lot N, a campus setting.Harold’s metal sculpture resembles two joined elliptical forms whose common joint acts as resting base in an ample clearance or setting. On its two sides, these elliptical forms bear a common inclination angle such that from a distance when viewing from its wide side resembles an eagle flying with its outstretched wings but swung in certain equal inclinations at both sides. Joinery of this work encompassed welded steel and Corten before flattened in such a way at the middle. The entire artwork its sculptor has painted it dark brown color, which makes it come out clearly from its settings bearing natural vegetative colors. Specifically, these are green, bright, and blue sky from the background. Hence, inducing a calmness, refreshing and relaxing moods evident in the way these colors as well as settings of the entire sculpture compliment each other.The location of this work is outside East Entrance Parking Lot N, which is a campus setting.

Green Technology - Research Paper ExampleWith the rapidly decreasing natural resources replete, people are concerned if one Earth would be sufficient to meet the needs of humans in the near future. There is obviously no choice as this Earth is all we have to manage our resources in. Therefore, people all over the world are being encouraged to live green. Living green means adopting all ways and means in everyday life that would make minimum use of the natural resources and would be environment friendly. In order to facilitate people, the contemporary research and development is largely directed at developing green technology. “The field of "green technology" encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products” (Green Technology, 2010). This paper aims at discussing some of the most significant elements of green technology.Renewable energy sourcesRenewable energy is a kind of energy which is retrieved from such natural sources as geothermal heat, sunlight, wind, rain, and tides.

CMG401 MOD 5 SLP - Essay ExampleIt is vital to read and comprehend the terms of the contract before signing it. This often looks like an overwhelming task, but it is beneficial to everyone, in the long run (Watson 125). This paper will examine the social economic responsibilities that apply to a government contract.An agreement by the government on goods and services that demands a formal, signed document will have to be honoured by the parties involved. There are economic implications that this failure can have on the business involved. The government may stop the funding of the project altogether, and demand some of it. This means that, the party involved will have spent capital that they need to refund because they failed to honour the contract. Another economic responsibility the contract may have on the procuring party is that; they need to execute the plans as per the terms of the contract (Nativel 153). This is lest they fail to give the government what they need.

 Implementing Change Paper EssayIntroductionManagers have to bring changes into a company because some of the old ways of doing order or working with employees need to change. The manager responsibility is to make sure the changes which the company is implementing are done at a right pace and all the employees know the reason for the change. Some people at an organization are use to one way and not want to settle for anything they are not use to. It is up to the manager to change the minds of the individuals who do not want to make the change.     The manager has to show the older way of the company is in need of change and if they do not change, it will make the organization lose clients and the work they use to do is much slower than everyone else who are doing the same work. Individuals often refuse to accept adjustments, in spite of sign that modification frequently change for the better for persons who are influence. This struggle to adjust makes dispute for individuals in leadership spot.

What connections do you make between your service-learning experiences and some of the themes addressed in class (justice, love, rights, responsibility, relationships, etc.)?There were several connections made between my service learning experiences and themes addressed in class.  Some of the connections were about human dignity, solidarity, subsidiarity and equity.  My service learning took place in a nursing home and the applicability of human dignity became abundantly clear.  Teachings of solidarity and equity were directly exemplified.  Social ties hold people together and are able to support the people who don’t have the power to help themselves.  Subsidiarity is also a relevant issue; decisions for helping the elderly is best when done on the lowest level—the people who directly work with the elderly and know what troubles faces them.  What impact do you think your service has had?  My job was mainly assisting activity coordinators.  As an extra set of hands, intermediate tasks were taken care of much quicker.

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